2024 © OCR Ltd.
RMA System

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System Description
Use this web site to create RMA (Return Materials Authorization) forms to send equipment for repair. The service process can then be monitor through this site. We service products listed on our main web site www.ocr.ca. Only repair orders from the United States and Canada are accepted through this web application. If you are from another country, please call or email us at [email protected] to arrange for special handling.

Once the equipment is received at our repair depot a quotation will be provided for the service required. You may then decide whether to proceed with the repair or have the equipment returned un-repaired. The RMA system will allow you to track the repair process and allow you to authorize the work to be performed.
Content on the OCR Web site is for informational purposes only. Please contact OCR sales representative for details. © 2024 OCR Canada Ltd. RMA System V6.00 All rights reserved. All other implied copyrights, trademarks, or patents are the property of their respective owners.