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(Items 271 to 285 of 411 Items Listed)
ImagePart/MfgDescriptionMSRP *Select
KB201310000010KB201310000010Powerware 9355 UPS (20 kVA, Tower with Internal Battery) 20KVA 9355 Tower (with Internal Battery)$35,979.01
Eaton Power Quality
KDMAAAAAAXX0KDMAAAAAAXX0Powerware 9155 UPS (Output PDM with 6 Duplex 5-15R REC and Maintenance Bypass SW)$3,420.52
Eaton Power Quality
KDMAAJJJJXX0KDMAAJJJJXX0Powerware 9155 (PDM W - Four 5-15R and Four L6-20R Receptacles)$3,479.52
Eaton Power Quality
M10212PP20D0003M10212PP20D0003Eaton Three-Phase PDU 100kVA$29,979.38
Eaton Power Quality
M90BGA11XXM90BGA11XXWall Mounted Three Breaker Bypass Panel (175A 65kAIC)$11,857.53
Eaton Power Quality
M90BGB11XXM90BGB11XXWall Mounted Three Breaker Bypass Panel (350A 65kAIC)$18,607.12
Eaton Power Quality
M90BGF1XXXM90BGF1XXX9390-80/MBPD Maintenance Bypass Panel (480/480V 3 Breaker)$6,948.72
Eaton Power Quality
MAJORSINE200048120MAJORSINE2000-48-1202KVA Inverter (-48Vdc Input - 120Vac Output)$5,361.62
Eaton Power Quality
MATRIX4KVAMATRIX4KVAInverter System (4KVA with Static Bypass and AC Distribution Panel)$19,108.62
Eaton Power Quality
NAC21BBF0200301NAC21BBF0200301PDU 208V 3PH 75KVA K13 4/panelboards EMS PDU 208V 3PH 75KVA K13 4/Panelboards EMS$40,378.12
Eaton Power Quality
NBFD0100BNBFD0100BNetBotz Fluid Detector FD100, (15 feet/4.6 Meters)$199.12
NBRK0420ENBRK0420ENetBotz 420, Rack Appliance, Protect your network-critical physical infrastructure from environmental conditions, Includes: Cable mounting kit, CD with software, Door sensor, Installation guide, Null-modem cable$2,787.75
NBRK0550NBRK0550NetBotz Rack Monitor 550$3,850.32
NBRK0551NBRK0551NetBotz Rack Monitor 550 W/ 120/240V Power Supply NETBOTZ RACK MONITOR 550 WITH 120/240V POWER SUPPLY NetBotz Rack Monitor 550 W/ 120/240V Power Supply$3,769.14
NBSP3241NBSP3241NetBotz Three-Year Extended Warranty 500 Models 3YR EXT WARR NETBOTZ 500 MODELS SINGLE-APPL PACK$1,016.28
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.
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