Image | Part/Mfg | Description | MSRP * | Select |
| UCS-SP5-C220V | UCS C220 M3 SFF w/ 2650, 8x8GB P81E VIC, 2PS UCS C220 M3 SFF W/ 2650 8X8GB P81E VIC 2PS UCS C220 M3 SFF (with 2650, 8 x 8GB, P81E VIC, 2 Power Supplies) | $18,723.38 | |
Cisco |
| UCS-SPV-C220-V | UCS C220 M3 SFF, 2xE5-2640, 2x 8GB, 2x450W, SD, RAILS UCS C220 M3 SFF, 2xE5-2640, 2x 8GB, 2x450W, SD, Rails | $10,217.82 | |
Cisco |
| UCS-VIC-M82-8P- | VIC 1280 dual 40Gb capable Virtual Interface Card VIC 1280 dual 40Gb capable Vir tual Interface Card VIC 1280 dual 40Gb capable Virtual Interface Card | $2,494.98 | |
Cisco |
| UCSB-MLOM-40G-01- | Cisco UCS VIC 1240 modular LOM for M3 blade servers Cisco UCS VIC 1240 modular LOM for M3 blade servers VIC 1240 MODULAR LOM FOR M3 BLADE SERVERS | $2,201.28 | |
Cisco |
| UCSB-PSU-2500ACPL- | 2500W Platinum AC Hot Plug PWR Supply for UCS 5108 Chassis 2500W PLATINUM AC HOT PLUG POWER SUPPLY FOR UCS 5108 CHASSIS | $1,374.52 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-BBLKD-L- | 3.5-inch HDD Blanking Panel 3.5-Inch HDD Blanking Panel | $55.80 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-BBU-11-C260- | RAID battery backup for LSI El ectr controller for C260 RAID Battery Backup (for LSI Electr Controller for C260) | $412.65 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-C22-M3L- | UCS C22 M3 LFF w/ rail kit, w/ o PSU, CPU, mem, HDD, PCIe UCS C22 M3 LFF W/ RAIL KIT W/O PSU CPU MEM HDD PCIE UCS C22 M3 LFF with Rail Kit (without PSU, CPU, Mem, HDD, PCIe) | $2,340.79 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-C220-M3L- | UCS C220 M3 LFF w/o CPU, mem HDD, PCIe, PSU, rail kit BNDL UCS C220 M3 LFF W/OCPU MEM HDD PCIE PSU W/ RAIL KIT *SEE NOTE* UCS C220 M3 LFF W/O CPU MEM HDD PCIE PSU RAIL KIT UCS C220 M3 LFF W/O CPU MEM HDD PCIE PSU W/ RAIL KIT UCS C220 M3 LFF w/o CPU, mem H DD, PCIe, PSU, rail kit UCS C220 M3 LFF w/o CPU, mem HDD, PCIe, PSU, rail kit UCS C220 M3 LFF w/o CPU, mem, HDD, PCIe, PSU, w/ rail kit UCS C220 M3 LFF w/o CPU, mem, HDD, PCIe, PSU, w/ rail kit UCS C220 M3 LFF without CPU, Mem, HDD, PCIe, PSU, with Rail Kit | $20,155.04 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-C220-M3SBE- | UCS C220 M3S BE Server UCS C220 M3S BUSINESS EDITION SERVER | $19,844.37 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-C240-M3S- | UCS C240 M3 SFF w/o CPU, mem, HD, PCIe, PSU, rail kit UCS C240 M3 SFF w/o CPU, mem, HD, PCIe, PSU, rail kit UCS C240 M3 SFF without CPU, Mem, HD, PCIe, PSU, Rail Kit | $5,286.60 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-CONN-930WDC- | Power connector for 930W -48V DC Power Supply for c-series s Power Connector (for 930W -48V DC Power Supply for C-Series s) | $73.42 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-DBKP-08D- | 8 Drive Backplane (for C-Series) | $459.64 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-DBKP-08E- | 8 Drive Backplane W/ Expander For C-Series 8 Drive Backplane with Expander (for C-Series) | $775.37 | |
Cisco |
| UCSC-DBUN-C210-104 | UCS C210 M2 Svr, 2x E5649 2x4GB, SAS Expand, 1PS DISTI ONLY UCS C210 M2 SVR 2X E5649 2X4GB SAS EXPAND 1PS UCS C210 M2 Server (2x E5649, 2 x 4GB, SAS Expand, 1 Power Supply) | $9,367.56 | |
Cisco |
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.