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HP RETAIL Categories for Services, Maintenance, HP Retail Maintenance Services

You are here: Manufacturers > HP Retail > Services > Maintenance > HP Retail Maintenance Services


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(Items 1141 to 1155 of 3567 Items Listed)
ImagePart/MfgDescriptionMSRP *Select
U7863EU7863EHP 4y Travel NextBusDay NB Only Service$333.71
HP Retail
U7864EU7864EHP 5y Travel Nbd Onsite NB Only SVC$535.12
HP Retail
U7868EU7868EHP 4y PickupReturn Notebook Only SVC$133.78
HP Retail
U7869EU7869EHP 5y PickupReturn Notebook Only SVC$283.73
HP Retail
U7875EU7875EHP 4y NBD ONS NB HW Supp$543.94
HP Retail
U7876EU7876EHP 5y NextBusDay Onsite NB Only SVC$735.05
HP Retail
U7881EU7881EHP 4y Pickup and Return NB HW Supp$373.41
HP Retail
U7882EU7882EHP 5y Pickup and Return NB HW Supp$523.36
HP Retail
U7897EU7897EHP, WARRANTY, 4-YEAR NEXT BUSINESS DAY ONSITE DAYTIME ONLY HW SUPPORT This Care Pack adds an additional year on to the Standard 3 Years, Next Day, On-Site Warranty. This Care Pack is valid for the System only, it does not include any of the POS Peripherals.
HP Retail
U7899EU7899EHP, WARRANTY, RP5XXX, RP7XXX, NEXT BUSINESS DAY ONSITE SERVICE EXTENSION TO 5-5-5 YEAR, BASE UNIT ONLY This Care Pack adds 2 additional years on to the Standard 3 Years, Next Day, On-Site Warranty. This Care Pack is valid for the System only, it does not include any of the POS Peripherals. WARRANTY NEXT BUSINESS DAY ONSITE HW SUPPORT CPU ONLY
HP Retail
U7923EU7923EHP 4y NBD ONS DT HW Supp$169.06
HP Retail
U7925EU7925EHP 5y NBD ONS DT HW Supp$229.34
HP Retail
U7927EU7927EHP 4y NBD Advanced Exchange TC HW Supp$230.81
HP Retail
U7929EU7929EHP 5y NBD Advanced Exchange TC HW Supp$296.96
HP Retail
U7942EU7942EHP 4y NBD Onsite WS HW Supp$117.61
HP Retail
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.
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