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210730123 iDynamo MPPG Kit  with 2 years Includes Adaptors iDynamo MPPG Kit (with 2 Years, Includes Adapters)From the company that leads with Security from the Inside MagTek has done it again with the iDynamo, a secure card reader authenticator (SCRA) designed to work with the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch, iPad 3, iPad 2 and iPad. The iDynamo offers MagneSafeTM security and delivers open standards encryption with simple, yet proven DUKPT key management, immediate tokenization of card data and MagnePrint card authentication to maximize data protection and prevent the use of counterfeit cards. Mobile merchants can now leverage the power of their iPhone/iPod Touch products without the worries of handling or storing sensitive card data at any time.
iDynamo MPPG Kit with 2 years Includes Adaptors iDynamo MPPG Kit (with 2 Years, Includes Adapters)

Manufacturer Path: MagTek / Magnetic Stripe Readers / Undecoded
MSRP (CAD):$303.68 *** Please contact us for corporate pricing or login to see web pricing or US$ pricing.
Manufacturer Part:210730123
Alternate Part:MAG-21073123 (MAG21073123)
Description:iDynamo MPPG Kit with 2 years Includes Adaptors iDynamo MPPG Kit (with 2 Years, Includes Adapters) (MagTek iDynamo)
Alternates:MAG-21073123 iDynamo MPPG Kit (with 2 Years, Includes Adapters)
Weight:0Lbs (0Kgs)
Document:210730123 Documentation
Date Updated:Feb 21, 2013
MagTek Logo

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