Image | Part/Mfg | Description | MSRP * | Select |
| MC9090-GF0HJHFA6WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (1224, Color, 128M, 53-3270, WM5, Bluetooth and ROHS) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER COLOR 128M 53K3270 WM5 BT MC9090/1224/CLR/128M /53-3270/WM5.0/BT MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER COLOR 128M 53K3270 WM5 BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,049.68 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GF0HJJFA6WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (1224, Color, 128M, 53-5250, WM5.0 and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER COLOR 128M 53K5250 WM5 BT MC9090 TERM/1224/CLR/128M/ 53-5250/WM5.0/BT MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER COLOR 128M 53K5250 WM5 BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,116.89 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GF0JBFGA2WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (1224, Monochrome, 64MB, 43-Key, CE5.0 and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER MONO 64/64 43K CE5PRO BT MC9090/1224/MONO/64M /43KY/CE5.0/BT MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER MONO 64/64 43K CE5PRO BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $3,745.49 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GJ0HBEGA2WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (802.11a-b-g, Lorax, Color, 64/64MB, 53 Key, CE 5.0 and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 64/64 53K CE5PRO BT MC9090/LORX/CLR/64M /53KY/CE5.0/BT MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (LORX, CLR, 64M, 53-Key, CE5.0, Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 64/64 53K CE5PRO BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,116.89 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GJ0HBHGA2WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (LORX, Color, 64MB, 53-3270, CE50 and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 64/64 53K3270 CE5 BT MC9090/LORX/CLR/64M /53-3270/CE5.0/BT MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 64/64 53K3270 CE5 BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,195.86 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GJ0HCEFA6WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (802.11a-b-g, Lorax, Color, 128/128MB, 53 Key, WM5.0 and Audio/Voice/BT) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 128/128 53K WM5 BT MC9090 GUN/802.11 A/B/G/LORAX /CLR/128/128/53KY/WM5.0/AUD/VC/BT MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (LORX, Color, 128/128, WM5, BT) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 128/128 53K WM5 BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,484.35 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GJ0HJGFC6WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (Lorax, Color, 128MB, 53-Key-VT, WM5.0, CR and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 128M 53KVT WM5 BT CR MC9090/LORAX/COLR/128M /53KY-VT/WM5.0/CR/BT MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 128M 53KVT WM5 BT CR - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,946.46 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GJ0HJHFA6WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (LORX, Color, 128MB, 53-3270 WM5.0 and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 128M 53KV3270 WM5 BT MC9090/LORX/CLR/128M /53-3270/WM5.0/BT MOTOROLA MC9090-G LASER ER COLOR 128M 53KV3270 WM5 BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,339.46 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GJ0JBHGA2WW | This part is replaced by MC9090-GJ0JBHGA2WR. MC9090-G, Wireless Gun Terminal: 802.11a/b/g, Extended Range Laser (Lorax), Monochrome, 64MB, 53 key-3270, Windows CE 5.0, Bluetooth | $4,194.57 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GK0HBGGA2WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (Imager, Color, 64MB, 53-Key-VT, CE5.0 and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G IMAGER COLOR 64/64 53KVT CE5 BT MC9090 TERM/IMGR/CLR/64M/53 KY-VT/CE5.0/BT MOTOROLA MC9090-G IMAGER COLOR 64/64 53KVT CE5 BT - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $3,969.59 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GK0HCEFA6WR | MC9090 Wireless Gun Terminal (NG, Imager, Color, 128/128, 53-Key, WM5 and Bluetooth) MOTOROLA MC9090-G IMAGER COLOR 128/128MB 53KEY BT WM5 MOTOROLA MC9090-G IMAGER COLOR 128/128MB 53KEY BT WM5 - CERTIFICATION REQ. | $4,339.46 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-GK0JBFGA2WR | MC9090-G, Gun, 802.11a/b/g, Imager, Mono, 64/64MB, 43 key, Windows CE 5.0, Bluetooth MC9090/IMGR/MONO/64M /43KY/CE5.0/BT | $4,002.02 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-KK0HJFFA6WR | MC9090-K, Brick, 802.11a/b/g, Imager, Color, 64/128MB, 43 key, Windows Mobile 5.0.0, Audio/Voice/BT SYMBOL MC9000-K RF IMGR COL 128M 53KVT WM5 BT | $4,033.47 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-KU0HJEFA65R | This part is replaced by MC9090-KU0HCEFA65R. MC9090-K, Wireless Terminal, SE950, Color, 64MB/128MB, 53 key Keypad, Windows Mobile 5.0 and Class 1 Div 2, I-Safe SYMBOL MC9000-K RF LAS COL 128M 53KEY WM5 C1D2 | $4,655.18 | |
Motorola Symbol |
| MC9090-KU0HJJFA6WR | MC9090-K, Wireless Terminal, 1D scanner, Color, 128 MB, 53-5250 key Keypad, Windows Mobile 5.0, Bluetooth, WR MC9090 Wireless Terminal (1D, Color, 128MB, 53-5250 Keypad, WM5.0, Bluetooth and WR) | $3,615.01 | |
Motorola Symbol |
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.