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WB3274AA PTP 200 (4.9GHz, 21Mbps, Link)The PTP 200 Series bridges are designed to securely transport data, voice and video in both near-line-of-sight (nLOS) and line-of-sight (LOS) environments. Operating in the 5.4 GHz band at Ethernet data rates up to 21 Mbps, the PTP 54200 offers a reliable alternative to reach around obstacles that partially block a path's radio line-of-sight (Fresnel zone) but leave the visual line-of-sight clear. With PTP 200's Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology, enterprises and wireless service providers gain resistance to interference and fading delivering exceptional performance in the presence of multi-path interference caused by buildings and other obstructions. The extremely low cost of ownership makes a PTP 200 solution affordable for even the most restricted budgets.
PTP 200 (4.9GHz, 21Mbps, Link)

Manufacturer Path: Motorola Symbol / Wireless / Wireless Networking / Bridge
Manufacturer:Motorola Symbol
MSRP (CAD):$6,680.16 *** Please contact us for corporate pricing or login to see web pricing or US$ pricing.
Manufacturer Part:WB3274AA
Alternate Part:MOT-WB3274AA (MOTWB3274AA)
Description:PTP 200 (4.9GHz, 21Mbps, Link) (Motorola (Symbol) Broadband PTP 200 Series)
Alternates:MOT-WB3274AA PTP 200 (4.9GHz, 21Mbps, Link)
Weight:8Lbs (4Kgs)
Document:WB3274AA Documentation
Date Updated:Mar 2, 2011
Motorola Symbol LogoMotorola Bar Code Scanners: Enjoy high-performance handheld barcode scanners at an affordable price with Motorola Symbol Bar code scanners. These scanners and mobile computers provide a feature-rich selection of scanning and rfid technologies. The Symbol mobile scanners are known for being lightweight and powerful. OCR is Canada's leader in Symbol bar code scanners along with handheld bar code readers, mobile computers, rfid and other wireless solutions. The next product related to part WB3274AA is WB3413 and the previous part related to this part is WB3226AA. Our selection of Motorola barcode scanners may be the perfect tools for your new barcode data collection solution.

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