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KX-P150-K KX-P2123 BLACK RIBBON 12PK By buying Panasonic KX-P150 Printer Ribbons from PriceLess-InkJet, we guarantee you the best quality you can get. We can assure you, you will receive your Panasonic KX-P150 at your location right on time, with no hidden costs. Please be advised, that we are always ready to assist you with installing your Panasonic KX-P150 and will answer any questions about it, or any other of our products. If you are not fully satisfied with the Panasonic KX-P150 Printer Ribbons you have purchased from PriceLess-InkJet, we are ready to give your money back or replace it with another Panasonic KX-P150 Printer Ribbons.

Manufacturer Path: Panasonic / Printers / Printer Consumables / Printer ribbon
MSRP (CAD):Please contact us for pricing information.
Manufacturer Part:KX-P150-K (KXP150K)
Alternate Part:4408942
Description:KX-P2123 BLACK RIBBON 12PK (Printers)
Alternates:4408942 KX-P2123 BLACK RIBBON 12PK
Weight:Not Available
Date Updated:Apr 12, 2013
Image 1 of 1
By buying Panasonic KX-P150 Printer Ribbons from PriceLess-InkJet, we guarantee you the best quality you can get. We can assure you, you will receive your Panasonic KX-P150 at your location right on time, with no hidden costs. Please be advised, that we are always ready to assist you with installing your Panasonic KX-P150 and will answer any questions about it, or any other of our products. If you are not fully satisfied with the Panasonic KX-P150 Printer Ribbons you have purchased from PriceLess-InkJet, we are ready to give your money back or replace it with another Panasonic KX-P150 Printer Ribbons.

Familly Description:Printers
Category Description:Printer Consumables
Sub-Category Description:Printer ribbon
Manufacturer Part No.:KX-P150-K
Short Description:KX-P2123 BLACK RIBBON 12PK
Secondary Update:Apr 12, 2013
Primary Information
Output Color:Black
Printer Technology:Dot-matrix
Product Type:Printer Ribbons
Yield:700000 Characters
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