The StealthTouch is a state-of-the-ar t All-in-one touchcomputer powered by Intel technology, and is designed to withstand harsh and demanding environments. Every StealthTouch's screen is protected against liquid spills, and lasts millions of touches.
15-M5, ATOM/2.1, 2GB, 160GB, POSR 2009, FLAT, LOW PROFILE StealthTouch-M5 Touchcomputer (15 Inch, Atom/2.1GHz, 2GB, 160GB, POSR 2009, Flat, Low Profile) PioneerPOS M Series Terminals 15"M5, ATOM/2.1, 2GB, 160GB, POSR 2009, FLAT, LOW PROFILE 15"M5, ATOM/2.1, 2GB, 160GB, POSR2009, FLAT, L