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HT630LR-9000BADG HT630 Batch Portable Terminal (LR Laser, USB Cable, 512KB, Lithium Ion, 900MAH/3.7V, AC Power, IP54 and JOBGEN) LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH -- NO LONGER AVAIL --  LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH** NO LONG LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH NO LONG Unitech HT630 Port Data Term LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH ** NO LONGER AVAIL ** LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH NO LONGER AVAIL HT630 Batch Portable Terminal (Long Range Laser; 2.5MB RAM)Unitech offers a Unitech offers a complete line of rugged mobile computers to help businesses become more efficient. Featuring all the computing, scanning and wireless capabilities demanded by today's mobile workforce, Unitech keeps you connected and productive from anywhere, at any time. line of rugged mobile computers to help businesses become more efficient. Featuring all the computing, scanning and wireless capabilities demanded by today's mobile workforce, Unitech keeps you connected and productive fro
HT630 Batch Portable Terminal (LR Laser, USB Cable, 512KB, Lithium Ion, 900MAH/3.7V, AC Power, IP54 and JOBGEN) LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH -- NO LONGER AVAIL -- LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH** NO LONG LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH NO LONG Unitech HT630 Port Data Term LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH ** NO LONGER AVAIL ** LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH NO LONGER AVAIL HT630 Batch Portable Terminal (Long Range Laser; 2.5MB RAM)

Manufacturer Path: Unitech / Mobile Computing / Mobile Computers / Hand-Held / Unitech HT630 Port Data Term
MSRP (CAD):$1,496.50 *** Please contact us for corporate pricing or login to see web pricing or US$ pricing.
Manufacturer Part:HT630LR-9000BADG (HT630LR9000BADG)
Alternate Part:UNI-HT630LR-9000BADG (UNIHT630LR9000BADG)
Description:HT630 Batch Portable Terminal (LR Laser, USB Cable, 512KB, Lithium Ion, 900MAH/3.7V, AC Power, IP54 and JOBGEN) LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH -- NO LONGER AVAIL -- LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH** NO LONG LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH NO LONG Unitech HT630 Port Data Term LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH ** NO LONGER AVAIL ** LONG RNGE LSR; 2.5MB RAM;BATCH NO LONGER AVAIL HT630 Batch Portable Terminal (Long Range Laser; 2.5MB RAM) (Unitech HT630 Port Data Term)
Alternates:UNI-HT630LR-9000BADG HT630 Batch Portable Terminal (Long Range Laser; 2.5MB RAM)
Weight:2Lbs (1Kgs)
Document:HT630LR-9000BADG Documentation
Date Updated:Sep 13, 2016
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