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Categories for Point of Sale, POS System, PioneerPOS, Stealth S Line

You are here: Categories > Point of Sale > POS System > PioneerPOS > Stealth S Line


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(Items 1 to 15 of 332 Items Listed)
ImagePart/MfgDescriptionMSRP *Select
AM157R100818AM157R10081815-S, CEL-M/1, 1GB, UBUNTU 8.04, , REAR DISPLAY, PRNTR, NO MSR Stealth S-Line 15 Inch Touchcomputer (Celeron-M/1GHz, 1GB, UBUNTU 8.04, Rear Display, Printer, No MSR)$3,323.30
AM157R100B16AM157R100B16Stealth S-Line 15 Inch Touchcomputer (Celeron-M/1GHz, 1GB, UBUNTU 8.04, MSR, Rear Display and Printer)$2,731.47
AM157R100B18AM157R100B1815 S, CEL-M/1, 1GB, UBUNTU 8.04, MSR, REAR DISPLAY, PRINTER Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Celeron-M/1GHz, 1GB, UBUNTU 8.04, MSR, Rear Display, Printer) Stealth S-Line 15 Inch Touchcomputer (Celeron-M/1GHz, 1GB, UBUNTU 8.04, MSR, Rear Display, Printer)$3,414.36
E215XR05E017E215XR05E01712 S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP PRIVACY FILTER SEE NOTES Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, Privacy Filter) Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 160GB HD, XP, Privacy Filter)$2,895.36
EA56WU150915EA56WU150915Stealth S-Line 15 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 512MB, 200GBHD, 802.11, 2 Track-MSR, WEPOS, USB PRNTR)$3,061.53
ED25YR00001KED25YR00001K17-S, ATOM/1.6, 2GB, 160GB, WIN7, PRIVACY, SER PRNT, NO MSR Stealth S-Line 17 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 2GB, 160GB, Windows 7, Privacy, Serial Printer, No MSR)$3,095.68
EK15PR000918EK15PR00091812 S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 80GB HD, POS- READY, MSR1-2, SER PRNTR Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 80GB HD, POS- Ready, MSR 1-2, Serial Printer) Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 160GB HD, POS- Ready, MSR 1-2, Serial Printer)$2,276.23
EK15XR000018EK15XR00001812?S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, SER PRNTR, NO MSR 12-S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, SER PRNTR, NO MSR Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, Serial Printer, No MSR) Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 160GB HD, XP, Serial Printer, No MSR)$2,390.05
EK15XR000916EK15XR000916Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, 2-Track MSR, 3 Inch Thermal Printer Serial)$2,481.09
EK15XR000918EK15XR00091812 S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, MSR1-2, SER PRNTR 12-S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, MSR1-2, SER PRNTR Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, Serial Printer, MSR1-2) Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 160GB HD, XP, Serial Printer, MSR1-2)$2,481.09
EK15XR05E017EK15XR05E01712 S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP LPT PARALLEL PORT SEE NOTES Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 80GB HD, XP, LPT Parallel Port) Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 160GB HD, XP, 802.11, LPT, USB Printer, No MSR)$2,576.70
EK1QLR000018EK1QLR00001812 S, ATOM/1.6, 1GB, 4GB CF, LINUX SER PRNTR Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 1GB, 4GB CF, Linux Serial Printer)$2,207.95
EK25WR00E918EK25WR00E91812-S, ATOM/1.6, 2GB, 160GB, WEPOS, MSR1-2, SER PRNTR Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 2GB, 160GB, WEPOS, Serial Printer, MSR1-2)$2,394.60
EK25WR100916EK25WR100916Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 2GB, 80GB HD, WEPOS, Speaker)$3,158.59
EK25WR100918EK25WR10091812 S, ATOM/1.6, 2GB, 80GB HD WEPOS, SPKR SEE NOTES Stealth S-Line 12 Inch Touchcomputer (Atom/1.6GHz, 2GB, 80GB HD, WEPOS, Speaker)$2,412.81
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.
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