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Categories for Pole Displays, Parallel Pass Thru

You are here: Categories > Pole Displays > Parallel Pass Thru


(Items 1 to 6 of 6 Items Listed)
ImagePart/MfgDescriptionMSRP *Select
PD3190PTBLACKPD3190PT-BLACKPD3190 Pole Display (2-Line x 20-Character VFD, with Parallel Interface, Pass-Thru, DB25 Male-DB25 Female Dual Connector, Cable, Mounting Plate, Power Adapter, and 6 ft. Cable)- Color: Black$693.50
Logic Controls
PD3990PTBGPD3990PT-BGPD3900, Pole Display (with Parallel Pass-Thru Interface and Dual DB-25F/DB25M Connector) - Color: Beige POLE DISPLAY 5MM PARA PASS-THRU LOGIC+OPOS+JPOS COMMAND SETS BEIGE LOGIC, POLE DISPLAY, 5MM 2X20, BEIGE, RS232 PASS T$997.73
Logic Controls
PD3990PTBKPD3990PT-BKPD3900, Pole Display (with Parallel Pass-Thru Interface and Dual DB-25F/DB25M Connector) - Color: Black POLE DISPLY 5MM PARA PASS-THRU LOGIC+OPOS+JPOS COMMAND SETS BLACK LOGIC, POLE DISPLAY, 5MM 2X20, BLACK, RS232, PASS$997.73
Logic Controls
PD6590PTPD6590-PTPD6500, PARALLEL, DB-25M Connector, 2 line x 20 column, Green Vacuum Fluorescent Display, 11.25 mm Character Height, with Pass-Thru, Special Command Set 4, Manual, Mounting Plate, and 120 VAC Adapter$708.10
Logic Controls
TD3290PTBLACKTD3290PTBLACKTD3200 Table Display (2 x 20 Display, Parallel Pass-Thru Interface and AEDEX Emulation) - Color: Black$693.50
Logic Controls
TD3590PTBLACKTD3590-PTBLACKTD3500, with Parallel Pass-Thru (DB-9F-DB-25M dual connector) - Color: Black$649.70
Logic Controls
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.

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