Image | Part/Mfg | Description | MSRP * | Select |
 | CT-S2000ENU-BK | CT-S2000 80MM 220MM/SEC ENET/USB BLK CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (USB and Ethernet Interfaces) - Color: Black Thermal POS, CT-S2000, Enet & USB, BK THERMAL PNTR 80MM-220 MM/SEC 48 COL -USB/ETHERNET - BLACK CITIZEN, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, ETHERNET & USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY CTS2000, ETHERNET & USB, BLACK Citizen CT-S2000 Prnt. | $1,045.51 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000ENU-BK-L | CT-S2000 80MM ETH&USB LABEL BLACK CITIZEN, CT-S2000, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, ETHERNET & USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY, LABEL 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Ethernet & USB- Internal Power Supply-Label CT-S2000L THERMAL ENET USB LABEL BLACK CTS2000, ETHERNET, LABEL OPT, USB&ENET, BLK Thermal POS, CT-S2000, Label, Enet & USB, BK | $974.99 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000ENU-WH-L | CT-S2000 80MM ETH&USB LABEL WHITE Thermal POS, CT-S2000, Label, Enet & USB, WH Thermal POS CT-S2000 LabL Ethe USB WHITE 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Ethernet & USB- Internal Power Supply-Label | $974.99 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000PAU-BK | CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Parallel and USB Interfaces, 220mm/S) - Color: Black THERMAL PNTR 80MM-220 MM/SEC 48 COL USB/PARALLEL BLACK CITIZEN, CT-S2000, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, PARALLEL & USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY CT-S2000THERM, BK, USB/PAR*NOTESUSB/PARALL CT-S2000THERM, BK, USB/PARNOTESUSB/PARALL Citizen CT-S2000 Prnt. CT-S2000THERM, BK, USB/PAR*NOTES USB/PARALLEL, BLACK, 220MM/S CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Parallel and USB Interfaces, 220mm'S) - Color: Black Thermal POS, CT-S2000, PAR & USB, BK | $738.60 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000PAU-BK-L | CT-S2000 80MM PAR&USB LABEL BLACK Thermal POS, CT-S2000, Label, PAR & USB, BK CT-S2000 THERM PAR*USB W LABEL OPTION BL 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Parallel & USB- Internal Power Supply-Label | $695.98 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000PAU-WH | CT-S2000 80MM 220MM/SEC PAR&USB WHITE CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Parallel and USB Interfaces, 220mm/S) - Color: White THERMAL PNTR 80MM-220 MM/SEC 48 COL - USB/PARALLEL - WHITE 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Parallel & USB- Internal Power Supply CTS2000THERM, USB/PAR, WHT*NOTESUSB/PARALL CTS2000THERM, USB/PAR, WHTNOTESUSB/PARALL Citizen CT-S2000 Prnt. CTS2000THERM, USB/PAR, WHT*NOTESUSB/PARALLEL, WHITE, 220MM/SEC CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Parallel and USB Interfaces, 220mm'S) - Color: White Thermal POS, CT-S2000, PAR & USB, WH | $671.45 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000PAU-WH-L | CT-S2000 80MM PAR&USB LABEL WHITE Thermal POS, CT-S2000, Label, PAR & USB, WH CT-S2000, THERM, PAR&USB, W LABELOPTION, WHT 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Parallel & USB- Internal Power Supply-Label | $695.98 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000RSU-BK | CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Serial and USB Interfaces, 220mm/S) - Color: Black CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer - Two-Color - Thermal line - 220 mm/sec - 82.5 / 80 / 60 / 58mm - 1 Roll - Serial, USB - Black CT-S2000 80MM 220MM/SEC SER/USB BLK THERMAL PNTR 80MM-220 MM/SEC 48 COL -USB/SERIAL - BLACK CITIZEN, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, SERIAL & USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY CT-S2000 LINE THERMAL PRINTERUSB/SERIAL, Citizen CT-S2000 Prnt. CT-S2000 LINE THERMAL PRINTER USB/SERIAL, BLACK, 220MM/SEC CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Serial and USB Interfaces, 220mm'S) - Color: Black Thermal POS, CT-S2000, SER & USB, BK | $738.60 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000RSU-BK-L | CT-S2000 80MM SER&USB LABEL BLACK CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Receipt and Label, Serial and USB Interfaces) - Color: Black CITIZEN, CT-S2000, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, SERIAL & USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY, LABEL 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Serial & USB- Internal Power Supply-Label CT-S2000 THERMAL, RECPT & LABEL, SER & USB Citizen CT-S2000 Prnt. CT-S2000 THERMAL, RECPT & LABEL, SER & USB, BLACK Thermal POS, CT-S2000, Label, SER & USB, BK | $765.58 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000RSU-WH | CT-S2000 80MM 220MM/SEC SER&USB WHITE CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Serial and USB Interfaces, 220mm/S) - Color: White CITIZEN, CT-S2000, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, SERIAL & USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Serial & USB- Internal Power Supply CT-S2000 LINE THERMAL PRINTERUSB/SERIAL, Citizen CT-S2000 Prnt. CT-S2000 LINE THERMAL PRINTER USB/SERIAL, WHITE, 220MM/SEC CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (Serial and USB Interfaces, 220mm'S) - Color: White Thermal POS, CT-S2000, SER & USB, WH | $671.45 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000RSU-WH-L | CT-S2000 80MM SER&USB LABEL WHITE 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - Serial & USB- Internal Power Supply-Label CT-S2000, Label, SER & USB, WHIT3E CITIZEN, CT-S2000, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, Thermal POS, CT-S2000, Label, SER & USB, WH CITIZEN, CT-S2000, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, SERIAL & USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY, LABEL | $695.98 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000UBU-BK | 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - USB Only- Internal Power Supply CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (USB+ Interface, 80mm/Sec, 42 Column, 2nd Interface Slot Open) THERMAL PRINT 80MM-220 MM/SEC 42 COL-USB-INTERNAL POWER BLK CT-S280U 80MM-220MM/SEC-42COL-USB -INTPS CITIZEN, CT-S2000, THERMAL POS PRINTER, 80MM, 220 MM/SEC, 42 COL, USB, INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY, BLACK CTS2000, THRM, USB+, 80MM/SEC, 42COLUMN, 2ND Citizen CT-S2000 Prnt. CTS2000, THRM, USB+, 80MM/SEC, 42 COLUMN, 2ND I/F SLOT OPEN CT-S2000 Line Thermal Printer (USB+ Interface, 80mm'Sec, 42 Column, 2nd Interface Slot Open) Thermal POS, CT-S2000, USB, BK | $721.74 | |
Citizen |
 | CT-S2000UBU-WH | CT-S2000 80MM-220MM42C USB ONLY INPW WHT Thermal POS, CT-S2000, USB, WH CTS2000, WHT, USB+, 80MM/SEC, 42 COL, 2ND I/F 80mm - 220 mm/sec - 42 Col - USB Only- Internal Power Supply | $656.12 | |
Citizen |
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.