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Categories for RFID Asset Tracking, Software

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(1)Alien ALS-550RFID-Asset-Tracking-Software-Alien-ALS-550(27)Azuga Software and Software BundlesRFID-Asset-Tracking-Software-Azuga-Software-and-Software-Bundles(23)SoftwareRFID-Asset-Tracking-Software-Software(3)Wasp Package Tracker SoftwareRFID-Asset-Tracking-Software-Wasp-Package-Tracker-Software
(21)Wasp Time & Attendance SoftwareRFID-Asset-Tracking-Software-Wasp-Time-Attendance-Software(3)Zebra SSP SoftwareRFID-Asset-Tracking-Software-Zebra-SSP-Software


(Items 1 to 2 of 2 Items Listed)
ImagePart/MfgDescriptionMSRP *Select
030756NT02RFID030756NT02RFIDRFID Starter Kit (Includes: One Loftware Print Server, Starter Edition, the RFID Module, One Client Seat, One Terminal Seat, Two Printer Seats of which, both can be RFID or one can be RFID and one can be Barcode - Includes 1st Year of Support) RFID Starter Kit (Includes 1st Year Support)$4,083.44
030756NTERFID030756NTERFIDRFID Premier Package, (Includes: 1 Loftware Print Server, Premier Edition, RFID Module, Four Client Seats, One Terminal Server Seat, One Extra Design Key and Ten Printer Seats of which Five can be RFID)$12,255.24
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.

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