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SPECTRALINK Categories for Telephone, Phones, Handsets, Spectralink Butterfly Series

You are here: Manufacturers > Spectralink > Telephone > Phones > Handsets > Spectralink Butterfly Series


(Items 1 to 5 of 5 Items Listed)
ImagePart/MfgDescriptionMSRP *Select
0236570002365700Butterfly Handset (White, Includes Battery) Spectralink Butterfly Handset - cordless, DECT, 50 phone book/directory memory, USB, 20 hour battery talk time, white$240.90
0236570102365701Butterfly Handset (Black, Includes Battery) Spectralink Butterfly Handset Black Includes Battery$240.90
0236570202365702Butterfly Handset (Green) Spectralink Butterfly Handset - green$240.90
0236570302365703Butterfly Handset (Red) Spectralink Butterfly Handset - red$240.90
0236570402365704Butterfly Handset (Blue) Spectralink Butterfly Handset - blue$240.90
* Corporate discount prices are available. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Please contact us for your corporate pricing. Prices are in Canadian Dollars.

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